Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Make Your Own Bed #4

Finally finally after a few months of meetings with the slimy mortgage man, discovering the ins and outs of insurance, paying too much money to the Home Office for a Resident's Permit, and walking down Balham High Road carrying £4000 in cash, I was presented with the keys to my new humble abode. This is what it looked like.......

Note the dirty cream walls and pink carpet

Some very kind friends helped with all manner of things over 3 weekends

and it soon looked like this

So, on the 21st December it was time to move. Again, some very kind friends came to help. This was what it looked like in the old flat.

This is what it looked like outside the old flat when the removal van didn't arrive, so we had to have a little picnic on the pavement along with all my belongings

.....and this is what it looked like in the new flat once everything was moved in being Christmas time, I set about cleaning the house!

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